Obedient Ingredients

A place to put cooking ideas to the test.

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Snack Bracket – Round 1

In honor of March Madness and all things being turned into brackets, I asked friends about food related brackets we could come up with and thus determine the “best (insert thing here) ever!” once and for all. All worthy (read: inane, inconsequential) topics should be discussed via bracket form.

We determined to come up with the Snack Bracket (Snacket for short).



But the qualifier here isĀ “addicting”. Some snack that you just could not get enough of, that no matter how unhealthy or gross, you just kept reaching your hand in the bag/toward the plate and automatically and mindlessly shoved more things in your face.

Something you can’t stop thinking of when someone mentions it.

Something that when you actually get it you are filled with satisfaction with a dash of self-pity and regret–but only a dash.

Something that you can’t stop consuming, once you start; things that you cycle back to desire as soon as you finish.

We all know those snacks.


After polling my friends, I came up with 60 items divided into four “regions”: Sweet Bite Sized, Sweet Cookies and Other, Salty Chips and Crackers, and Salty Other.

We have many Trader Joe’s items that if you have never tried I highly recommend you check them out. But there are tons of classics (M&Ms, Oreos) and some ridiculously generic and very processed yet super addicting things like Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles.

I present to you, 2014’s Snack Bracket!

If you would like to weigh in, please feel free. I will provide updates as my social circles vote.


Healthy snacks? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Healthy AND addictive snacks? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Grilled Cheese Party

My kind of party goes like this:

1) Invite a bunch of friends over.

2) Say that you will provide sliced bread (Italian white) and tomato soup. Also butter and mayo.

3) Each guest will need to bring their own cheese and any other ingredients they want to use for their creation.

That’s right, it’s a grilled cheese party.

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